The Memory Cafe concept was introduced by Dr. Bere Miesen in the Netherlands in 1997 as a way to de-stigmatize dementia and provide support for those diagnosed as well as their caregivers. Over time the concept spread throughout Europe, the United States and other countries. The concept is public domain and is not “owned” by any one entity; therefore there is a lot of variety in the way Memory Cafes are offered.
The program for Memory Makers of the Midsouth was developed by Kristen Miller, owner of Midsouth Aging Consultant. Ms. Miller was intrigued by the Memory Café concept and attempted many times to recruit libraries, churches, and even museums to open their own Café by offering support. However, each place shared that while they liked the concept, they lacked the staff, the knowledge, and the budget to bring it to fruition. That sparked the idea to add a mobile Memory Café service to her business and write the guidebook, A Year of Meaningful Dementia Activity Themes. Within the first year of offering mobile Memory Cafes, the interest in them became great enough that it was necessary to form an organization to support and grow them; thus Memory Makers of the Midsouth was born.
Board of Directors:
President, Mary-Hampton Singleton Maxim Healthcare
Treasurer, Steve Chandler Elect Home Care
Secretary, Genell Holloway Eagle Hollow Enterprises
Jill Hall City View Towers
Cindy Longmire Your Place Mani Pedi
Tonya Wales Baptist Home Health & Hospice
Jenn Warne Senior Helpers
Advisory Council:
Carmelyta Cai First Light Home Care
Kelly Chandler Great Southern Senior Living
Rod Marter Senior Helpers
Lisa Shurden Senior Helpers
Josh Goldin Extendicare
Candace Gibson Visiting Angels

Kristen Miller, Executive Director

Friends of Memory Makers
The services offered by Memory Makers of the Midsouth to those with memory loss and their care partners would not be possible without the generous support of:
Our Board of Directors & Advisory Council
Our Host Locations
Our Refreshment Sponsors
Jinliang & Carmelyta Cai
Steve & Kelly Chandler
The Best Times Newspaper
Crown Trophy of Cordova
Pete & Amy Singleton
4Imprint One by One Corporate Giving
The Pat Summitt Foundation
S & S Activewear
Friends of the Memphis Chinese Community Center
In Honor of Nancy Brophy
The Mary Galloway Home Foundation
The Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation
The Memphis Wine Society