There are many causes of memory loss and finding answers when you need them can often be difficult. While by no means comprehensive, here we've compiled a list of helpful books, websites, and other trusted sources of information.
These books can be easily found at your local library or on Amazon:
The 36 Hour Day by Nancy Mace & Peter Rabins
An Unintended Journey: A Caregiver’s Guide to Dementia by Janet Shagam
Dementia Reimagined: Building a Life of Joy & Dignity From Beginning to End by Tia Powell
Where Memories Go: Why Dementia Changes Everything by Sally Magnusson
Caregiving Both Ways: A Guide to Balancing it All While Caring for a Loved One With Dementia by Molly Wisniewski
The Caregiver's Encyclopedia : A Compassionate Guide to Caring for Older Adults by Muriel Gillick
Floating in the Deep End : How Caregivers Can See Beyond Alzheimer's by Patti Davis
Creating Moments of Joy Along the Alzheimer's Journey: A Guide for Families and Caregivers by Jolene Brackey​
A Pocket Guide for the Alzheimer's Caregiver by Daniel Potts and Ellen Woodward Potts
For Children:
My Book About Brains, Change and Dementia by Lynda Moore
Grandma and Me: A Kid's Guide for Alzheimer's and Dementia by Mary Ann Drummond & Beatrice Tauber Prior
Grandma, It's Me! A Children's Book about Dementia by Y.Y. Chan
Granny Needs My Help: A Child's Look at Dementia and Alzheimer's by Deborah Mills
The Alzheimer's Association Information on Alzheimer's disease, 24/7 caregiver helpline, support group directory
The National Alzheimer's & Dementia Resource Center Disaster preparedness toolkit
National Council on Aging Information on caregiving
Prepare For Your Care End-of-life planning tools and information
Family Caregiver Alliance Information on caregiving & local resources
Alzheimer's Tennessee Information, support & events for Tennesseans and free Silver Alert kit
Dementia Society of America The Big Umbrella toolkit, Aware & Share cards, The Dementia Action Plan, and other resources
Dementia Friends USA Training videos on interacting with those who have dementia
The 5 Wishes A booklet for end-of-life planning
MemoryCare.com VA memory care benefits for veterans
Dementia Action Alliance Virtual discussions and engagement programs, booklets, advocacy, podcasts, and more
Resource4Care Videos and information from local healthcare professionals on a wide variety of topics related to senior care.
Be Light Care Consulting Short TikTok caregiver training videos, courses on dementia, virtual consultations, articles, & podcast
Hilarity for Charity Online support group, webinars, caregiving grants, and more.
Daily Living Aids
The Wright Stuff Has many products available for older adults, from door threshold ramps, to adaptive eating utensils, to grab bars, and much more.
The Alzheimer's Store Has games, therapeutic sensory items, easy-to-use phones, and more.
MOBI Connect Automatic Pill Dispenser Helps with medication management and reminders
Mom's Meals Prepackaged refrigerated meals for meal assistance
Tales & Travel Memories "Armchair travel" programs for those with memory loss
Reminisce Magazine A magazine specially designed for older adults
Remind Magazine A nostalgic magazine for older adults
Spiritual Eldercare Recorded non-denominational services and hymns for older adults.
Front Porch Communities Free Well Connected program allows older adults to connect online for social programs
Relish Radio for Seniors Very simple to use radio with large buttons that can be preset to your loved one's favorite stations
Elmer's Tunes Subscription-based livestream videos that play familiar songs and take requests
Jelly Drops Sugar-free candy made with 95% water, electrolytes, and vitamins to support hydration
The Blue Hug Showering garment used to provide modesty and dignity
Silverts Adaptive Clothing Clothing & footwear specially designed for those with arthritis, limited mobility, & special medical needs
Relish Day Hub Clock & Task Organizer Large print digital clock and task manager with audio alerts to remind users of what needs to be done
iGuard Automatic Stove Shut-Off Uses motion sensors to automatically turn off stove after a few minutes. Works for electric & gas stoves
Bridgetown Music Therapy Subscription-based music-therapy videos
Car Door Assist Handles Portable grab bars to assist getting in and out of cars safer
Memory Joggers Fun, free activities you can do with your loved one at home to help with recalling long-term memory
Relish Games, Puzzles, Aqua Paints Fun activities specially designed for those with memory loss
OuiSi Picture card game that is fun for the whole family
My Memory Worx Peace for Parkinsons and healing music programs
What is Alzheimer's? A short video explaining Alzheimer's disease
How Does a Person with Dementia See the World? Take a walk in someone else's shoes
What is Vascular Dementia? Understand the second leading cause of memory loss
What is Frontotemporal Degeneration? A brain disease that causes problems with thinking
What is Parkinson's Disease? Parkinson's can sometimes cause dementia
Memories With Grandma Dementia explained for children
What is Lewy Body Disease? Lewy Body Disease can cause memory loss
A Walk Through Dementia See the world through someone else's eyes
Can People with Dementia Have Pets? Important considerations for keeping pets
UCLA Caregiving Training Videos A series of videos on common dementia behaviors
Ways to Engage a Loved One With Dementia 12 ideas for meaningful engagement
AARP Home Alone Alliance Training Videos A series of free videos on common caregiving tasks
Caring for Yourself as a Caregiver 10 tips for self-care
From Your Loved One's Point of View 11 things a person with dementia wants you to know
Coping With the Holidays Tips for stressing less during the holiday season
The River A beautiful analogy of dementia and a river
Clinical Trials & Research Studies
Lilly Trailblazer Alz-3 A new drug that treats Alzheimer's disease
CNS Healthcare Memory Research Study Call 901-843-1045 for more info
UT Health Sciences Alzheimer's Research Call 901-448-5490 for more info
Neurology Clinic of Cordova Trial Recruitment Call 901-866-9252 for more info
AVP-786 Drug Study A new drug that treats agitation in Alzheimer's
Lilly Trailrunner Alz-1 A new drug that treats Alzheimer's disease
Caregiving While Black Online courses for African-American caregivers
Biogen Envision Study on drug effectiveness for early stages
Comprehensive Clinical Trial Listing Alzheimers.gov Clinical Trial Finder
Project ACT Study at Rice University Study on spousal caregiving; call (713) 348-8167 or (713) 348-8126 for more info
Mayo Clinic LEAD Study Study on lucid episodes in people with Alzheimer's
Virginia Tech CareEx Study Study for relatives of caregivers
Polaris AD Drug Study A new drug for people with early stage Alzheimer's
University of Oregon Caregiving Study Contact eatinglab@uoregon.edu or (541) 346-7494
Latino Caring of Caregivers Online Caregiving study for Spanish speakers
Rush University PERSEVERE study Study on caregivers for those with Lewy Body disease or Parkinson's dementia
Study for LGBTQIA+ Caregivers Study on a legal and financial planning tool for LGBTQIA+ Caregivers
Routinify Study Study on the effectiveness of Routinify apps & devices
Supporting Our Caregivers in ADRD Learning Study for unpaid dementia caregivers
Caregiver VOICE Survey for caregivers
Why participate in clinical trials and research studies? Clinical trials test new drugs that aim to find cures and they need test subjects of different ages and ethnicities to see how well it will work. Research studies aim to find new methods, techniques, or programs that will help people better manage and understand complex problems. Some trials and studies offer payment or compensation for your time and effort.
Dementia Stories From Around the World
The Restaurant of Mistaken Orders Japanese restaurant for people with dementia
Flying the Friendly Skies Airports becoming more dementia-friendly
Lorenzo's House A place for those with younger-onset dementia
The Dementia Village Village in the Netherlands for dementia
Memory Cafe Brazil Virtual Memory Cafes in Brazil
Dementia-Friendly Charlton The power of community
Memory Cafe Nova Scotia Memory Cafes in rural Canada
The Future of Dementia Villages Creating community & improving quality of life
Dementia-Friendly Singapore Better urban environmental design & practices
Dementia-Friendly Tourism Giving people with dementia freedom to travel
Garden Therapy in Italy Using the power of plants to help with cognition
Young, Old, & Marvelous A care home in England incorporates a nursery
The Power of Art How art therapy is helping people with dementia
A Friendly Day at the Movies A dementia-friendly outing in Michigan
Memory Cafe on Wheels Bringing dementia resources to rural Montana
The Musical Cafe Creating connections through music
It's "Unforgettable" A play about dementia and caregiving​
Dementia-Friendly Dining Florida restaurants offer special accommodations
Dementia-Friendly Art Gallery Dutch gallery offers interactive art experiences
The Forgotten Mutiara Cafe A Malaysian Memory Cafe
Dementia-Friendly Grocery Shopping A grocery store in Iowa pilots dementia grocery carts
The Dementia Resort A unique tropical resort for dementia care in Thailand
Articles, Blogs, & Podcasts
Dementia & Driving Article Tips for helping your loved one stop driving
Alzheimer's Speaks Podcast Lori La Bey shares insights on her podcasts, blogs & website
The Caregiver's Voice Podcast Brenda Avadian shares advice
Vacationing with Dementia Article Considerations for traveling with dementia
Seasonal Activities Calendar Article Ideas for engaging activities all year long
Alzheimer's Daughter Blog Jean Lee shares her insights along with other authors
Dealing with Dementia Blog Kay Bransford shares her personal experiences
5 Ways to Support a Loved One with Parkinson's Article for those caring for a person with PD
Caregiver's Guide to Medications Article for tips on managing medications
Understanding Caregiver Resentment Article on managing feelings related to caregiving​
Aging Angst & Alleluias Podcast Podcast with Mary Anne Oglesby-Sutherly sharing her wisdom & insights
Dementia Careblazers Blog Natali Edmonds share advice from a geropsychology perspective
Happy Healthy Caregiver Podcast Sheila Welch with Loving Through Dementia: a free, all volunteer ministry that offers help, hope, inspiration and dementia education
Benefits of Clinical Trials Article Answers questions about joining clinical trials
Reducing Holiday Stress Article Caregivers share ways to reduce stress around holidays
Memory Makers Tip Sheets
Caregiver Tip Sheets
To download tip sheets or view them in Spanish, visit the Tennessee Commission on Aging